"Anton Dohrn-Photo-Archaeology"

19 May 2024

Wolf Reuter provided two documents which Dr. H.- H. Reinsch sent to him for preparation of the Cruises AD141_1970 and AD163_1972.

25 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of the last three cruises of Renate Hollnagel: Cruises AD092_1965, AD095_1966 and AD117_1968..

24 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD083_1964.

24 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD080_1964.

21 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD071_1963.

21 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD065_1962.

21 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD063_1962.

19 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD056_1961.

17 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD054_1961. Among others, rare photos from the old fish market in Copenhagen (Gammel strand) are shown.

15 January 2024

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s and 1960s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD051_1961.

12 December 2023

In a bundle of documents from the 1950s and 1960s - which had been made available to members of the German Scientific Commission for Marine Research - Dr. G. Wegner discovered texts that are of interest to the website:


 Willkommen auf der Anton Dohrn Website Welcome to the Anton Dohrn Website; 21 August 2007 (anton-dohrn.de),


 AD Indienststellung Allg Fischw Z.jpg (2338×1654) (anton-dohrn.de)

08 December 2023

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD047_1960.

02 December 2023

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD043_1960.

28 November 2023

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD039_1959.

16 November 2023

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD032_1957.

11 November 2023

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s. This presentation shows photos of cruise AD018_1957.

6 November 2023

Dr. Gerd Wegner provided several photo albums from the estate of Renate Schubert (ex-Hollnagel, former member of the Institut für Seefischerei) for this website.The photos were made during the 1950s. The presentation starts with cruise AD025_1957.

19 June 2023

An article in the Journal ZEIT “Dem Seelachs auf der Spur” written by Ortwin Fink in 1959, is mounted to the website. Ortwin Fink was member of the editorial staff of ZEIT.

24 May 2023

In my ANTON DOHRN Archive I found a historic photo of FRV Anton Dohrn, and a letter, written by Dr. Kurt Schubert to his students during AD032++_1958. This information is mounted to the website.

15 February 2023

A link to a historic movie on the cruise AD044 1960 was mounted to the website.

31 October 2022

A poem on the cruise AD136_1970 was found after 52 years by Prof. Dr. G. Fachbach, Graz, and it was mounted to the website.

14 November 2020

The complete Caboose Journal was scanned and mounted to the website.

30 July 2020

Dr. Hans W. Grohs, Wien/Linz, provided a collection of photos taken by his father Prof. Dr. H. Grohs during his cruise AD020_1957.

13 January 2020

Dr. Gerhard Beese, Hamburg, provided a collection of photos taken by him during cruises of FRV Anton Dohrn during1961 - 1964.

11 December 2018

Werner Jakobeit, Cuxhaven, provided a photo album showing historic photos of the building process of FRV Anton Dohrn during1954, 1955.

03 June 2017

Dr. Siegfried Ehrich provided the text for the lecture held by Prof. Dr. Günter Dietrich on 11 November 1966 on the occasion of the 100th cruise of FRV Anton Dohrn. The carbon copy was given to a journalist of the newspaper Kieler Nachrichten. The notations in green might point at comprehension questions by the journalist.

17 November 2016

On October 7, 2016, a large bundle of photos was given to the International Maritime Museum, Hamburg. These photos were mostly taken by weather technicians which worked aboard German Research vessels or German Fishery Protection vessels. In this bundle, a Leitz folder with a collection of very early photos of the Anton Dohrn was found.


29 January 2016

Dr. Volker Thran provided a “Season’s Greetings Card” sent by Captain Ernst Vogel to Prof. Dr. Peter Thran, the father of Volker Thran. Dr. Volker Thran joined the cruise AD103_1967 in Feb./Mar. 1967 to the North Sea (Chief Scientist Dr. Schubert) as a student.

18 May 2015

Dr. W. Junge provided photos taken during the launching on 16 August 1954.

21 January 2015

A poem done by Dr. G. Hempel during AD039_1959 was mounted to the website.

15 January 2015

Information on the first research vessel "Anton Dohrn" (1914-1917) was mounted to the website.

24 October 2013

Movie on Dory Fisher Manuel Cascão when looking at the photos of AD024_1957 was mounted to the website.

17 October 2013

New information on Dory Fisher AD024_1957 was mounted to the website. This information was made available by Sara Pereira, granddaugther of Manuel Cascão, a Portuguese fisherman who worked on board the Dory mothervessel “Adelia Maria” from 1949 to 1958.

13 January 2013

A newspaper article on the IGY cruise AD028_1958 was mounted to the website

17 June 2012

Photos done during the IGY cruise AD031_1958 were mounted to the website

09 March 2012

Photos done during AD107_1967 by Dr. Siegfried Ehrich, were mounted to the website

9 January 2012

Photos done during AD087_1965 were mounted to the website

23 December 2011

Photos done during AD087_1965 were provided to the website by Prof. Dr. Jens Meincke

11 December 2011

Photos done during AD103_1967 by Dr. Wilfried Junge, were mounted to the website

30 November 2011

Photos done during AD070_1963 by Dr. Wilfried Junge, were mounted to the website

25 November 2011

Photos done during the test cruise of the Mützelfeldt shipyard on 10 February 1955, and the test cruise to the Skagerak were mounted to the website

22 November 2011

Photos done during the test cruise of the Mützelfeldt shipyard on 10 February 1955, the test cruise to the Skagerak, and photos done during AD070_1963, as well as during AD103_1967

were provided to the website by Dr. Wilfried Junge

27 July 2011

Photos of the OVERFLOW 1960 Expedition, done by the late Dr. Gerhard Krefft, as well as photos made during his miscellaneous "Anton Dohrn" cruises, were mounted to the website.

27 January 2011

Cruise reports of all "Anton Dohrn" cruises during 1955 - 1972 are mounted on the website. In addition, the entire website is modernized.

11 November 2010

A collection of Dr. Friedrich Krüglers "Anton Dohrn" slides is displayed, grouped acc. to Dr. Krügler in "theme sessions"

08 November 2010

Numerous photos, done by the late Dr. Friedrich Krügler - meteorologist on board "Anton Dohrn" - were made available by the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven. As a first part, photos of the International Overflow Expedition 1960 were mounted to the website.

01 September 2010

An article by the former ship's doctor, Dr. H. Goethe, dealing with the hospital on board "Anton Dohrn", was mounted to the website.

20 July 2010

Photos made during AD060 1962 and AD096_1966 by Dr. H. Naeve, were mounted to the website.

7 July 2010

Photos made during AD076 1964 , AD094_1966 and AD102_1967 by Dr. M. Stehmann, were mounted to the website.

6 May 2010

A b&w movie on Gear Technology (net selection) made during AD024 1957 by Bodo Ulrich, was mounted to the website.

21 April 2010

Photos made during AD077 1964 by Dr. G. Rauck, were mounted to the website.

7 March 2010

Photos made during AD104_1967 by Siegfried Braun were mounted to the website.

1 March 2010

Photos of AD104_1967 were made available to the website by Siegfried Braun.

14 January 2010

A publication by Hans-Heinrich Reinsch "Anton Dohrn" - a review on seventeen years of successful cruises was mounted to the website.

4 January 2010

Photos made during AD061_1962 by Dr. G. Rauck, were mounted to the website.

18 September 2009

Two pages of the Caboose Journal of FRV "Anton Dohrn" (1 January 1964 - 27 September 1965) made available by Dr. G. Rauck, were mounted to the website.

11 September 2009

Photos made during AD032_1958 by Dr. G. Rauck, were mounted to the website.

8 July 2009

A newspaper article on the occasion of Professor Reinhard Dohrn's 75th birthday (13 March 1955), as provided by Dr. W. W. Kühnhold, was mounted to the website.

21 April 2009

Newspaper articles on cruise AD100_1966 are added to the website.

24 March 2009

Station maps of cruises AD004_1955 and AD025_1957 were added to the website.

27 February 2009

A link to a website with a film showing one of the Portuguese schooners that fished the Grand Banks off Newfoundland during 1966 is added to the website.

4 February 2009

An index "Who is who on Anton Dohrn" is added to the website. This index facilitates checking for individuals which have been on board during one or more cruises of FRV "Anton Dohrn"

16 December 2008

Photos made during the first cruise of FRV "Anton Dohrn" to West Greenland (AD004_1955) were mounted to the website. The detailed cruise report, as provided by the chief scientist, the late Dr. Arno Meyer ("Kabeljau-Meyer"), facilitated allocation of b&w photos available from the archives of the Institute of Sea Fisheries (Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries).

15 December 2008

An article, dealing with Austrian Scientists and students on board FRV "Anton Dohrn" during 1967 - 1972, was mounted to the website. This article is linked to a copy of the cruise diary of the late Prof. Dr. Erich Reisinger (University of Graz/Austria)

3 December 2008

Three more photos of AD032_1958, as provided by Prof. Dr. W. Nellen, were mounted to the website.

9 September 2008

An article, dealing with the Portuguese Dory Fishery during the 1950s, was mounted to the website.

5 September 2008

Photos of made during 1966 - 1968 by Gerhard Wagner, were mounted to the website.

10 August 2008

Photos of AD136_1970, made available by Prof. Dr. G. Fachbach, Graz, were mounted to the website.

9 June 2008

A polar baptism document, acquired by W.B. Reuter during AD141_1970, was mounted to the website.

28 May 2008

During AD013_1956 cruise to the Southern North Sea, a film team joined the "Anton Dohrn" to produce a documentary film on the scientific work on board. A short extract of this b&w movie is mounted to the website.

17 April 2008

Photos of cruises during AD146_1971 to Northsea waters, as provided by Dr. F. Lamp, were mounted on the website.

31 March 2008

Photos of AD032_1958, as provided by Prof. Dr. W. Nellen, were mounted on the website.

16 March 2008

One additional photo of AD131_1969, as provided by Dr. Heye Rumohr, was mounted on the website.

5 March 2008:

Photos of cruises during AD020_1957 to Icelandic waters, as provided by Dr. F. Lamp, were mounted on the website.

21 February 2008:

Photos of cruises during 1957 to Icelandic waters, and of cruises to the Baltic Sea during 1966, 1968 and 1971, were made available to the website by Dr. F. Lamp.

14 January 2008:

Photos of two cruises during the 1950s, were made available to the website by Prof. Dr. W. Nellen.

9 January 2008:

Photos of AD129_1969 (Dr. G. Wegner) were mounted on the website.

17 December 2007:

Photos of AD163_1972 (Reinhard Hoheisel-Huxmann) were mounted on the website

12 December 2007:

Miscellaneous photos made by the late Renate Hollnagel on board "Anton Dohrn" were mounted to the website

4 December 2007:

23 photos of AD161_1972 cruise were mounted to the website.

4 December 2007:

Miscellaneous photos made by the late Renate Hollnagel on board "Anton Dohrn" were given to the website by Dr. G. Wegner.

3 December 2007:

New photos of AD163_1972 were made available to the website by Reinhard Hoheisel-Huxmann.

3 December 2007:

Photos of cruises during 1967 were provided by Gerhard Wagner.

3 December 2007:

Photos of AD126_1969 were made available to the website by Dr. Gerd Wegner.

28 November 2007:

Photos of AD161, a cruise to Norwegian waters during March 1972, was made available by Dr. Gerd-Peter Zauke from Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. These photos will be shown soon.

2 October 2007:

Photos of the test cruise, the commissioning cruise, of cruise AD002_1955 , and miscellaneous photos of 1955 were mounted to the website.

1 October 2007:

Historic photos of cruise AD014_1956, as provided by Alexandra Kiel, were added to the website.

26 September 2007:

Photos made by the late Martin Kiel, former crew member of Anton Dohrn, were made available to this website by his daughter Alexandra Kiel.

Among other photos, made during the first cruises, rare photos of the commissioning cruise (3 March 1955) with the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Professor Theodor Heuss, will be shown soon at this site.

5 September 2007:

Historic photos of Anton Dohrn cruises AD003, AD009, AD015, AD016 , and misc. provided by Prof. Dr. D. Sahrhage, were mounted to the website.

Photos provided by Dr. H.O. Mertins (AD025, AD045, H.O.Mertins) were also added.

27 August 2007:

During a visit to the retired meteorologist Dr. H.O. Mertins, formerly head of the sea meteorology department of the German Met. Service in Hamburg, b&w photos of FRV "Anton Dohrn" were made available to this website.

Among others, the photos show some interesting scenarios during the International OVERFLOW 1960 Expedition.

Visit this site at a later date to view these rare photos.